The necklace

Elimde yine fotograflar birikti, daha hızlı olmalıyım! . Şort indirim ganimeti, kolye 2. el ebay'den, Birisi şortlu kombin sormuştu, bu aralar neredeyse şorttan başka bir şey giymiyorum, çok sıkıcı bir insan oldum :)
Üst: Topshop -Şort (yeni): Zara - Ayakkabı: Fendi -Çanta: Longchamp -
Kolye: Kenneth Jay Lane
I have many outfit photos to post,I must be faster like in the song" faster kill faster still pussycat". These shorts were gained from the sales, my necklace is secondhand from ebay. Someone asked me to post more outfits with shorts, I'm not wearing anything else but shorts, they are like my uniform, what a boring person I am :).
Top: Topshop -Shorts( New): Zara - Shoes: Fendi -Bag: Longchamp -
Necklace: Kenneth Jay Lane
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